Innovation. Research. Community.

The iGEM Munich Team with students from universities TUM and LMU takes part in the annual iGEM competition with the goal of bringing revolutionary ideas to the field of synthetic biology. 

Top Universities

Students from TUM and LMU looking to make a difference through skill and expertise.


Developing technologies to shape the future of synthetic biology.


Close relations and extensive network of universities, companies and foundations.


Students from various backgrounds with unique experiences and skillsets.

What we’re Doing

Our Vision – 2024

In 2024, we are working on an innovative approach for RNA editing! We are developing a new system for recording complex molecular events with the help of CRISPR/Cas technology. Our work is poised to open new horizons in understanding the building blocks of life.


We modify B-Cells to combine cell and antibody therapy for high-risk patients in regards to certain diseases and pathogens. These cells can then recognize their targets and work to eliminate them.


Many patients have increased risk for infection with specific pathogens or genetic predisposition towards diseases. Engineered B-Cells may aid in preventing infection as a complementary therapeutic measure.


We research and modify antibodies against certain targets and engineer our B-Cells with the antibody sequence. The patient receives the modified B-Cells and builds up immunity against the specified target.

WHAT WE’ve achieved

Our Achievements – 2022

In 2022, we focused our research on the engineering of CAR-T-Cells. Our project SpecifiCAR aimed to regulate T-Cell activity depending on its environment and the presence of other CAR-T-Cells. We were able to win several prizes & achieve nominations:

🏆 Prizes 🏆

Best Software ToolTop 10Gold Medal

🪙 Nominations 🪙

Best Therapeutics ProjectBest WikiBest PresentationBest Model


Support Our Project

We’re constantly looking or sponsors to help us with our research projects! Support us with one of the options listed down below!

Financial Sponsorship

  • Registration Fees
  • Research Expenses
  • Outreach Events
  • Travel Expenses
Contact US

Mentorship & Networking

  • Expertise
  • Industry Contacts
  • Networking Events
  • Seminars & Training
Contact US


Why You Should Join Us

Find out how our members have found their participation in iGEM to be beneficial for their experience and studies!

Jonathan – Bachelor Student – Team 2022

Participating in iGEM has been an incredible experience for me. I loved working with a group of passionate and motivated students who are dedicated to advancing the field of synthetic biology. Collaborating with others who share my interests and enthusiasm has been inspiring and rewarding.

Ziwei – Bachelor Student – Team 2022

I absolutely loved being part of Team iGEM Munich. We shared highs and lows, sleepless nights and lots of fun moments. Learning about synthetic biology with all of these motivated and dedicated students was an incredibly inspiring experience that I wouldn’t want to miss.